Whistler beckons with love
A village of smoky mountains
Clouding the sky with glamour
And stares of dreamy destiny.
Whistler whistles with awe
In sonorous voice that drips
Of hideous passion and strength
With candor that brooks no rejection
Whistler sings harmony
Of serendipity symphony
With still oceans of refuge
And tingling rains that sooth
A place of beauty and candor
Nestled in the bowels of nature
With timid excitement that pokes
Undying vestiges of love
A place that dares stand aloof
From similitudes of corrosive desires
With quiet pride and dignity
Which only glows alight to touch.
A place made in heaven
For angels to converge
And share tales of love
With laden hearts to unburden
(October 2019)
I recently visited Whistler as part of Intercultural exchange studentship activities of the Royal Roads University. The poetry is a result of my reflections on the village. I was impressed with the colours and ambience of the village as well as her boldness to dare make a statement.