Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre (NNMCC) is a non-profit organization located in Burnaby, British Columbia. It opened in September 2000 to preserve and share Japanese Canadian history and culture. NNMCC also offers events, festivals and tours, such as Manga camp, Matsuri festival and bus tours to historic sites. The NNMCC not only brings the Japanese Canadian community together but also welcomes diverse visitors.
NNMCC introduced its new exhibit to the public on July 20, 2019. The brand new exhibit is called “Nikkei 日系,” which means “of Japanese ancestry” and features stories about Japanese Canadian individuals and families who have donated records and objects of art, belongings, and photographs to the museum collection. Interviews, videos and precious archival photographs are displayed with pride. Despite discriminatory policies of the past, Japanese Canadians have persevered to strengthen Canada as a multicultural nation.
Visit the new exhibit and experience Japanese Canadian history and culture!
【日系文化センター・博物館 展示オープニング】
2019年7月20日、新しい展示スペースが一般公開されました。一般公開当日は多数のご来館者様に囲まれ、いつも以上に賑やかな1日となりました。新しい展示「Nikkei 日系」は日系カナダ人の歴史遺産、伝統遺産などを展示しており、それぞれ個人、家族の物語が秘められています。また展示スペースでは日系の方々へのインタビューやセンターが保持する貴重な映像などが流されています。戦争、差別に苦しみながらも日系の方々が負けずに築き上げられた歴史と伝統を後世まで語り継ぐ為の貴重な資料が並んでいます。